Monthly Inspiration – September 2020

Welcome to our September inspiration.
We hope this will inspire and encourage you as we begin another new month.

Created to Create!

God created us in His own image, in the image of God He created us. Genesis 1:27

Creativity Stories

Drawing Closer

One participant shares after a recent creativity time via Zoom on the theme ‘Drawing Closer’

Come near to God and He will come near to you James 4:8a: “The rainbow I painted represents my covenant with God, the cross is a reminder of what Jesus has done for me and my hands around the cross represents my desire to stay closer to Jesus.”

See all reflections and testimonies

Follow us on Instagram

We have a new Instagram page

Coming Up

Creativity Evenings via Zoom

Monday 14 September at 7.15pm

Monday 12 October at 7.15pm

A time to be refreshed and to be still as we virtually meet together to create and be inspired and hear from the Lord within our own surroundings. Everyone welcome. These times are very special and restorative.

To find out more or to book your place please e-mail us

We invite you to visit the online area of our website, Creative Resources and News. We value your thoughts, so please continue to give us your feedback. Thank you!

Thank you for your prayers and support of this ministry. Have a great month!

The Created Creative Team

For more information or help please e-mail us at

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