Drawing Closer Reflections

Come near to God and He will come near to you James 4:8a

“I had been colouring in this garden scene and went back to it a while later. The fork which I hadn’t coloured in at that point really stood out to me and I felt God prompting me to dig a little deeper into His word. As I coloured the fork I felt Him encouraging me that as I dig deeper with Him He will be near to me and my relationship with Him will grow and flourish.”


A meditation on my Father’s hand

My Father’s hand reaches out to me, His child.

His index finger points to me – It’s you I want!

His hand beckons to me – come to Me!

His palm is open to me – to receive me and to give me what I need.

His thumb hooks around me as I draw near, to keep me close and to strengthen His loving grip.

His hand clasps around me, to protect me and to secure me as His possession.

His ring finger extends to receive me – I am bound to Him and He to me forever.

The bond is made, the invitation received and accepted, the knot tied, my identity and future secured.

He will not let me go, slip or fall. His strength, love, protection and identity are mine!

“I focused on the hand of God reaching out to save me; securing, beckoning, holding, embracing. As I meditated on that, with verses for each finger of my hand, I wrote the poem. I love the fact that my Father God is possessive of me and wants to draw me close, holding me to Himself.”


Come near to God and He will come near to you James 4:8a: “The rainbow I painted represents my covenant with God, the cross is a reminder of what Jesus has done for me and my hands around the cross represents my desire to stay closer to Jesus.”


“We are all so aware of this need to come closer to God but why do we find it so difficult sometimes? As I painted I started to let go of my burdens and anxieties and began to feel closer to Jesus. I was then able to receive more fully, and feel loved, spiritually renewed, guided by Him and to be truly thankful from my heart.”


“I had planned to go into the garden and paint a rose. The Lord nudged me in another direction! So, I stayed where I was and looked up Psalm 62. There are so many words we can use to describe God. One of them I like to use in in times of difficulty is “rock.” I put it into a landscape. I loved doing the calligraphy.”


“I began to write out the loving and caring words that people had written in my cards. As I did this God said the same words back to me about me from Him.”


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