Welcome to Created Creative’s August update.
“What do you mean, ‘If you can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:23 NLT
Our next zoom session is on Monday, 11 September at 7.15pm. Everyone is welcome. To book a place or to see other future dates, click on the button.
‘Peace’ was the topic of our creativity session last month. One person’s response follows:
PEACE – where can I find it?
We look for peace in many ways – in people, places, things,
and sometimes we achieve it, but as a fleeting thing.
People change, and places, too, possessions come and go,
“O, where, then, can I find it?” becomes our song of woe.This world was once a peaceful place, but it did not last for long,
because our distant parents abandoned right for wrong.
Our loving Heavenly Father had given them everything,
but satan sowed doubts in their minds, so began their questioning.
They thought that their autonomy would be a better way,
but were expelled from Eden on that rebellious day.Their peace was lost, and so was ours, but God still had a plan
to restore the peace they used to know, by coming here as man.
He lived a perfect life on earth and taught what we must do
to rediscover Eden, and the peace that we once knew.To see some other precious responses on peace to encourage and inspire, click on the button.
Have a blessed month of August.
With love,
Created Creative
For more information or help please e-mail us at info@createdcreative.co.uk