Light reflections

“Even though we were walking in the the darkness, the light was shining through, we are always in the light as we walk with Him, led by the Holy Spirit.”


“I entwined the topic of Light with what Creativity means for me in this picture of a flame.  I used the letters spelling Creative and reflected that as my words got closer to the centre of the flame, they became stronger in a way, more personal to me and my journey with God; Voice, Vulnerable, Value, Vocation. Interestingly, I noticed that I began ‘colouring in’ with the red heart, which represents Jesus to me, AT the heart of all my creativity. And then finished with the words IN the purple candle, again, very personal to me.”


“Light radiating from the heart, the crossroads we talked about became a cross…and the personal message of Help is on its way has given me the light of hope, of safety, of knowing all will be well if I only just have faith and trust…in the light my God offers me.”



Light and Direction

You Lord are the light.

You made the light.

Point the way.

Light the road.

Lighten the load.

Make straight the corners.

Save the strays.

I can see the way,

when your light comes beside me.

Your light untangles the bound,

reveals the way to go.

Hold me, pull me,

gently turn me.

Your light softens my heart.

I feel lighter in your arms.




As you gaze

As you gaze towards The Son

May His light dispel your darkness,

His love demolish doubts,

His radiance bring joy,

and His bright beams guide your way.



‘Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path’ Psalm 119:105 NLT

“I was so comforted by the image God gave me. At the beginning of the year, I was so overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done, but also by the great uncertainty of things, that I almost just became apathetic. It doesn’t help to plan or dream, because it will probably just change and not happen, right…The scripture in Psalm 119 gave me such peace – God gives light for every step. Just have the boldness to take it, even if I can’t see meters in front of me. I also was reminded of the shoes of readiness to carry out the Gospel of Christ. Our calling is to put on these shoes every day and just take steps as the Lord guides. Not to become fearful of the shadowed, unknown future, and not to just stand still, but pick up our cross each day, put on the shoes and take the step!”


Light in Lockdown 

Pink and orange light show on my early morning run, 

The day is full of promise its only just begun. 

The blinds roll up I want every drop, 

To fill my home and lift us up. 

Then a vitamin D tablet taken with water, 

Just in case I don’t get what I ought to. 

Home-schooling break time means garden fun,

Out in the daylight for a hop, skip, run. 

While husband works on the laptop all day, 

A seasonal desk light keeps gloom at bay. 

Light is quickly fading, don’t close the curtains yet, 

Surely the day isn’t over I fret. 

Now it’s dark I do submit, 

So, a candle I have now lit.  


“Light reflects on so many surfaces, I was inspired by glass reflecting light and Psalm 23”


Raise weary eyes

Let us raise weary, earth-tainted eyes

above this distorting, shadowed sphere

to bright, inspiring heights,

where no darkness restricts true illumination,

 barriers dissolving

in dazzling





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